Lilidorei is a magical, mysterious village full of play and home to 9 clans who worship Christmas. They are ruled by Lord Elfwin, King of Lilidorei who lives in Elfwin Drin, the biggest play structure in the world. When children visit Lilidorei, they can create their own narratives, visit the clan houses, take part in the Quest Challenge and join in with stories with our Story Keepers.
We are so pleased that you have decided to visit us at Lilidorei. We want your children to visit this magical village and immerse themselves in learning outside the classroom during their time before, during and after their visit. Our Lilidorei Education Visit is a teacher-lead initiative based in the magical kingdom that is Lilidorei supported by our bespoke school Story Telling by our Story Keeper, our Lilidorei Quest Challenge and physical play on Elfwin Drin.
There are a number of educational resources for both your pre and post visit, all linked with your visit to Lilidorei. We have tried to ensure that the workload for delivery in school is minimum for teaching staff but is fully immersive for your children.
Our main educational offer includes all the elements that you need to deliver a bespoke two-week programme of English writing work, including display material for your working wall. Additionally, there are smaller units of work that allow you to focus on key guidelines within the National Curriculum over a number of subjects. Our programme offers lessons that will engage young minds creativity and practically in: English, Maths, Geography, Design Technology and Art and Design.
So do not delay, book your school visit today. We are taking bookings for school visits both paid (at discounted educational rates) and Free Fridays (available for Northumberland’s first, primary and middle* schools). We can cater for any group size and any year groups from reception to year 6.
For Group Visits please fill in the form below:
Click here to download the form and once completed, please send to and someone will get back to you